With the cooler weather, you might be spending more time indoors, so we have a change of pace to your normal homebody routine. To prepare for any unexpected emergencies and to avoid an insurance nightmare, take advantage of your inside downtime and document all of your most important items. In the event of loss or theft, this will ensure you are covered if you need to provide proof of your personal belongings. Check out these 5 checklist must-haves for your valuable assets should they ever need to be replaced.
Plus, you’re eligible for a Free Mortgage Checkup. See how you can start saving today with a better home loan.* If you are in the market to buy a home, get a loan pre-approval so you can shop with confidence to get the home of your dreams.
5 Home Inventory Checklist Must-Haves:
Hard Or Soft Copy
The first item you’ll need is a source for your documentation. Whether you prefer a paper notebook, a digital spreadsheet, or both is your preference. There are home inventory checklists available if you prefer to use a standardized template to start. Just be sure to keep them in a safe and secure place that’s easy to access. It’s also recommended to have several copies of your information saved in multiple locations that you trust.
Your Interior Space
Grab a phone or camera and take a detailed video of each room, making sure to capture every corner from top to bottom, including the ceiling and floors. Take snapshots as well for your personal portfolio. This will archive the structural health of your home.
Your Prized Possessions
Be sure to also capture your flatscreen tv’s, furniture, speakers, computers, gaming devices, jewelry, and anything of monetary value along with their worth when adding to your inventory checklist.
Your Home’s Exterior
Zip or button up your jacket and head outside to repeat the video and still shot process of recording patio furniture, landscaping, window treatments, outdoor entertainment areas such as pools and kitchens. Document anything of value with measurements and purchase price, so you know the value of your property.
Proof Of Ownership
Gather all of those receipts, instructions, and contracts and include them with your home inventory list. This will ensure you have the necessary documentation for all of your memory-making valuables should the need arise.
Looking to get a head start on your 2022 savings? Let’s upgrade your mortgage and put money back in your wallet with a new Purchase or Refinance Loan.*
5 Money-Saving Tips To Start Today:
Lower Your Interest Rate
Reduce your monthly mortgage payment for real savings that add up over time.*
Pay Off Your Loan Sooner
Switch to shorter loan terms to save on interest.*
Lower Your Monthly Payment
Refinance with longer terms, so more money stays in your wallet.*
Consolidate Debt
Cash-out to reduce high-interest credit card debt.
Pay For Larger Expenses
Invest in your home with updates that will yield a higher return should you decide to sell in the future.
If you are interested in learning more about how a new loan can benefit you, just give us a call at 877.715.9908 or get your instant rate quote here.Â
Imagine The Possibilities With Your Better Home Loan!
*By refinancing, your total finance charge could be higher over the life of the loan.